Dingle Hillwalking Club

Beautiful landscape view on hillwalking route Community Enhancement Support Programme is Great News For Club Members

Community Enhancement Support Programme is Great News For Club Members

Keeping us Safe on the Hills

Thanks to the financial assistance received from the Department of Community and Rural
Development and Kerry County Council under the Community Enhancement Programme
every member of Dingle Hillwalking Club will be supplied with a Survival Bag.

In the event of an incident or accident whilst out on the hills either to themselves or a fellow
walker, this important piece of equipment helps to prevent the casualty from developing
hypothermia. Hypothermia can quickly turn into a medical emergency on exposure to cold
temperatures exacerbated by wind and rain, so prompt treatment is vital.

The Club is also able to supply 20 of its leaders with some first aid equipment in the form of
splints which immobilise a sprained or fractured limb.
A number of survival shelters have also been purchased thanks to the grant allocation.

This support is greatly appreciated by the club committee and all its 100+ members