Dingle Hillwalking Club

Connor Pass – Pedlars Lake Ridge to Slievenea Loop

  • Grade: C
  • Length: 9 km
  • Duration: 3.5 hours
  • Height gain: 400 m
  • Extension Option n/a

Start Point: Conor Pass@ O.S. Map 70 Q 063 491

From Connor Pass carpark we drop down approx 100 m onto the old green road, initially via a sharp and steep narrow track where extreme care is required, before it gradually levels out to bring us to Loch Broin. Having passed the lake we veer east to climb up and cross the road to begin our ascent of the ridge on the northern side of Pedlars Lake, until we reach Slievenea (Sliabh Mhacha Ré, 620m).

Those opting for the extension can walk a further 2 kms south to Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde) and loop back to the start point, while the remainder of the group will head west following the ridge above Pedlars Lake and back to the cars. Spectacular views of Dingle Bay, Mt Brandon and even the Three Sisters can be seen from here as a fitting finale to what is a somewhat challenging but very rewarding hike.