Dingle Hillwalking Club

Taster Walk: Coumeenole (Com Dhineól) to Ventry via Fán along The Dingle Way

  • Grade: D
  • Length: 10 km
  • Duration: 3.5 hours
  • Height gain: 250 m
  • Extension Option@ n/a

Start Point: Com Dhineól viewing point at Tigh Slea Head @ O.S.Map 70 V318 974

Please register to attend by email to info@dinglehillwalkingclub.com before 8pm Saturday evening.

Leaving the viewing/parking spot looking down over the Coumeenole beach area, a short road walk back towards Dingle, brings us to the stile where some excellent remedial works have been carried out, with defined steps now in place. There is a strong pull up the zig zag track for approx. 15 mins before levelling off. We follow the Dingle Way marked route along by the stone wall with beautiful views over the Blaskets with even the Skellig being visible on a clear day! Also keep an eye out for the numerous beehive huts beyond the wall. We come to a lovely river crossing – Abhainn an Ghleanna, which is a perfect spot for lunch. We come off the grassy track at Fán and follow the main road initially, then some very wet and boggy track, on to some backroads that lead us to Ventry Beach. A leisurely stroll along the beach brings us back to Paudie O Sé`s pub, where we will have left some cars.